
The Genesis of A.R. Grote\u27s Collecting Noctuidae by Lake Erie


Since its serial publication in The Entomologist\u27s Record during 1895, Augustus Radcliffe Grote\u27s Collecting Noctuidae by Lake Erie has become a minor classic of entomological literature. This brief but compelling reminiscence of two and a half months under canvas has long been considered one of the finest of the many accounts which have been written about the pursuit of Lepidoptera, and it is especially treasured by those collectors who, like Grote at Lake Erie, have used the method of \u27sugaring\u27 to capture moths. Surely much of the essay\u27s appeal is due to Grote\u27s facile and unusually colorful literary style; as P. B. M. Allan (1948) has observed, it is given to but few of us to paint like that

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