
Newsletter of the Association of Minnesota Entomologists. Edi ted by John H. Ma s t e r s . Vol. 1, No. 1. [~ctober?1]9 66; No. 2 , not received; No. 3, Feb. 1967; No. 4, Aug. 1967. Free to members of the A.M.E., who pay 2.75ayearforactiveand2.75 a y e a r f o r active and 1.75 for corresponding memberships, which are open to all by contacting John T. Sorensen, 5309 37th Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minn. 55417.


Excerpt: Our brothers in Minnesota have long taken advantage of this good fortune, but only recently has a newsletter appeared to document their activities. It is a folded 24-page silk-screen mimeograph production with heavy stock covers. The inexpensive for math as the usual drawback of muddy type, but a definite improvement can be seen through the course of publication, due to the utilization of better materials. The newsletter accepts contributions on any aspect of entomology in any part of the world, but priority in publication will be given to papers of the North Central Region and to papers by members of the Association

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