
Liturgy and Ecumenism: What Next?


(Excerpt) This year, 1998, marks the twentieth anniversary of the Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW) that we celebrate together with the fiftieth anniversary of the Institute of Liturgical Studies here at Valparaiso University. My personal debt to the institute goes back to 1956 when I persuaded my internship supervisor to allow me to attend the institute in Michigan. That meeting introduced me to some of the giants of the previous generation-Arthur Carl Piepkorn, Berthold von Schenk, AR. Kretzmann and M. Alfred Bichsel-and gave me a vision of what worship among Lutherans might be. Then, following my return from doctoral studies at the University of Heidelberg, I was invited to present a paper at the 1961 institute. It was on the concept of anamnesis, prescient of this year\u27s eschatological theme. And now, after fifteen years as an ex-patriot, you have invited me back. I am grateful

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