
Relationship between Aggressive Driving and Various Types of Music


This research study focused on the relationship between aggressive driving and various types of music to see what factors – i.e. age, consumption of alcohol, and genre of music – affect the individual while driving. Recent studies have suggested that different genres of music can affect one’s driving. Among articles that have been read, studies agree that age, consumption of alcohol, and genre of music affect an individual’s driving. Recent studies have indicated that different genres of music can affect one’s driving aggressiveness along with other, more established factors such as alcohol consumption and age. Our hypothesis #1 (control): There is no relationship between aggressiveness due to age, consumption of alcohol, and the genre of music. Hypothesis #2: There is an increase in aggressiveness while driving due to the music listened to while driving. Consequently, the researchers are hypothesizing that aggressive driving is related to type of music listened to by the driver. The survey will include over 100 students, faculty, and staff from Valparaiso University in Valparaiso, Indiana. Each participant was asked to fill out a questionnaire which asked their age, gender, and alcohol consumption. Then they were asked to fill out five surveys after they listened to a particular genre of music. Students, faculty, and staff who participated in this study were given a verbal explanation regarding the purpose of the study and were assured that confidentiality would be carried out throughout this process. The music that was the focus of this study is rap, rock, and heavy metal

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