The embedded system is defined as the device which is composed for limited environment and special purpose.
These systems must be changed from existing operating system to suitable platform because they couldn't take enough dealing rate of CPU or memory compared with general desktop computer. Therefore embedded operating system is proposed for these embedded systems.
But existing embedded operating systems have many limitations, for example, size of operating system and price competition. Embedded Linux was suggested for overcome these limitations.
Usually serial or parallel protocol has been used for data communication between embedded system and PC. And IEEE 1394 protocol is used for transfer the moving picture.
But previously stated protocols are debased at data transaction rate and reliability of transaction. Also IEEE 1394 is difficult to implement because of complex constitution.
This thesis suggests USB protocol for overcome these defects. USB is able to high-speed data communication with reliability. In addition, USB is easy to implement because it is composed of serial line.
In this thesis, embedded Linux is used as the embedded operating system and USB protocol is implemented for data communication.
Therefore, it becomes possible stable usage of embedded system and reliably data communication.제 1 장 서 론 1
제 2 장 USB(Universal Serial Bus) 3
2.1 등장 배경 3
2.2 시스템 구조 5
2.3 USB의 데이터 전송 프로토콜 8
제 3 장 임베디드 리눅스 15
3.1 리눅스와 임베디드 시스템 15
3.2 임베디드 리눅스의 개요 16
제 4 장 평가 보드 설계 및 구현 32
4.1 평가 보드 구성 32
4.2 임베디드 리눅스 포팅 38
4.3 USB 디바이스 드라이버 41
4.4 USB 드라이버 제작 및 시험 48
제 5 장 결 론 54
참 고 문 헌 5