A Study on the Influence of Logistics Service Users' Perception of Relationship Benefit on the Long-term Relationship Orientation


and forwarder-carrier. The factor analysis multiple regression analysis and SEM(Structural Equation Model) analysis were used to analyze the data. Conclusions of the empirical study are as follows 1) It is partly positive that presumed factors, such as service providers' expertise or continuous purchase, influence service users' perception of relationship benefits. This clearly shows that customers require more relationship benefits as their service contracts become more important or complicated. 2) There is quite high positive correlation between consumers' perception of relation benefits and their satisfaction. This conclusion supports recent trends of logistics service providers: they make huge investments in customer relationship management and information systems to provide their customers with more relationship benefits. 3) It is affirmative that consumer satisfaction has a positive effect on the long-term relationship orientation. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that various kinds of international logistics service users perceive different relationship benefits and that their perception of benefits influences long-term relationship orientation, as well as their satisfaction.shipper-carrierGlobal business environments fluctuate drastically because of several factors such as tougher competition, technological advance, and new regulations. Under these circumstances, shippers' needs for value-added logistics or one-stop logistics service are increasing. To come up with clients' various desires, logistics service providers struggle to gain competence through forming strategic alliances and executing merger and acquisitions. Those measures can bring service quality improvement as well as cost reduction to logistics companies. Amid intensified competition between the service providers vying for the leading position, international logistics market has become favorable to consumers. Response to such trends, more and more service companies have been paying attention to relationship marketing as an alternative to existing mass marketing, which needs huge investment and tries to reach the largest number of people possible. Contrary to the traditional ones, the new marketing strategy mainly focuses on relationships with established loyal customers and lead them to purchase services more and repeatedly. The purposes of this study are as follows: First, the concept of relationship marketing is introduced and its application to the field of logistics is examined. Second, it is investigated which relationship benefits clients perceive from the new marketing strategy: in depth, this study analyzes psychological and behavioral effects to customers. Third, this study empirically demonstrates the path from users' perception of relationship benefits to their satisfaction, and ultimately to long-term relationship orientation. Compared with other industries, the concept of relationship marketing is more or less newly introduced to the field of logistics, thus few empirical studies have been conducted. This thesis includes two parts: literature review and empirical study. In the first part, the concept of relationship marketing is introduced. The new strategy is regarded to bring about revolutionary changes in marketing. Then, some precedent studies are reviewed to extract variables which can affect carrying out relationship marketing. For the empirical study, a questionnaire survey of 288 logistics service users, or shippers and freight forwarders, is conducted. The objects of the research are categorized by types of transaction: shipper-forwarderAbstract i 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구의 필요성 1 제2절 연구방법 및 구성 4 제2장 이론적 고찰 7 제1절 관계마케팅의 개념과 연구동향 7 1. 관계마케팅의 개념 및 특징 7 2. 관계마케팅의 연구동향 10 제2절 국제물류서비스산업에서의 관계마케팅 13 1. 국제물류서비스 구매자 특성 13 2. 국제물류서비스산업에서의 관계마케팅 연구동향 19 3. 국제물류기업의 관계마케팅 사례 23 제3절 관계혜택지각과 장기적 관계지향성 32 1. 관계혜택영향요인 32 2. 관계혜택지각 36 3. 고객만족 41 4. 장기적 관계지향성 43 제3장 연구설계 46 제1절 연구모형 46 제2절 연구가설 47 1. 국제물류서비스 구매자의 관계혜택 지각 과정 47 2. 관계혜택지각과 장기적 관계지향성과의 관계 49 제3절 변수의 조작적 정의 50 1. 관계혜택영향요인 50 2. 관계혜택지각 51 3. 고객만족 51 4. 장기적 관계지향성 52 제4장 실증분석 53 제1절 조사설계 53 1. 자료의 수집 및 분석방법 53 2. 표본의 특성 54 제2절 측정항목의 평가 56 1. 타당성 분석 56 2. 신뢰성 분석 62 제3절 연구가설의 검정 64 1. 연구모형의 적합도 분석 64 2. 연구가설의 검정 66 3. 연구변수의 하위요인간 개별적 관계 추가 분석 67 제4절 국제물류서비스 구매자 거래유형별 관계혜택의 분석 69 제5절 실증분석 결과의 해석 75 1. 연구가설검정 결과의 해석 75 2. 국제물류서비스 구매 유형별 관계분석 결과의 해석 76 제5장 결론 81 제1절 연구의 요약 81 제2절 연구의 시사점 83 제3절 연구의 한계점 및 향후 연구과제 84 참고문헌 85 85 1. 단행본 85 2. 논문 및 기타 86 92 [부 록] 설문지 9

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