English spelling reforms and proposals in Early Modern English (1550-1650) with special reference to Richard Mulcaster’s "Elementary"


Traballo Fin de Grao en Lingua e Literatura Inglesas. Curso 2018-2019I intend to study the attemps to reform English spelling in Early Modern English (1550-1650) along with the debates and proposals of the main spelling reformers in this period with special reference to Richard Mulcaster's "Elementary" (1582) which is considered to be "the major study of English ortography" (Lass 1999:32) "the first cosistent attempt to codify and promulgate datailed rules for normalising and regulazing traditional English spelling" (Lass 1999:20). I also intend to provide a historical background of English spelling in Middle English period especially in the late Middle English and enphazise the impact of the printig and the William Catxton's role in a time in which "there was no generally recognised standard form of English scpeech, and only the beginnings of a standard ortography" (Lass 1999:15) to understand the situation of English ortography in Early Middle English Period. In so doing, some key notes will be shown to desing the status of English in a daily linguistic contact environment in which Latin and French continued to be the dominat languages in the fields of knowledge having an important imprint on English spelling. The method of anlysis will focus on the contrast of the main debates and proposals for the reform the spelling in the period covered by this research with special reference to "Elementary" so as to appraise its impact on the subsequent development of the English ortographic syste

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