Recent Evolution (1956–2017) of Rodas beach on the Cíes Islands, Galicia, NW Spain


Sedimentary coastal areas change rapidly and are economically and environmentally important. This research focuses on determining the extent to which natural dynamics and human activity have contributed to visible changes on Rodas, Cíes Islands in southwestern Galicia (NW Spain). The number of visitors to the islands has increased in recent years, and the port infrastructure has therefore been expanded. Previously, this zone experimented with important sand extraction phases. These changes have influenced the ecosystem directly by modifying the sedimentary behavior and indirectly by promoting even greater numbers of visitors to the area. Aerial images and orthophotographs of the study zone were examined to identify changes that have taken place over the last sixty-one years (1956–2017). Changes in the position of the shoreline, defined as the boundary of the dune vegetation, were mapped at different times between 1956 and 2017. Changes in the shoreline were quantified using GIS (Geographic Information System) technology and Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) software. The findings revealed that the system regressed by more than 30 m between 1956 and 1981, in part as a result of sand extraction. We also identified different erosion/accretion phases that occurred before the reformation of the Rodas dock in 2010. The system is currently undergoing important changes, especially in the northern area, with a regression of 14.14 m in the last seven years. In this context, LiDAR analysis from 2010 and 2015 using Geomorphic Change Detection (GCD) tools allowed variations in the dune system to be verified. The elevation in the study zone increased in 83% of the area, mainly in the frontal dune and close to the winter inlet (north sector). However, the variations were very small.This work is part of a research project entitled Monitorización de los procesos biogeoquímicos en suelos de acantilados y aguas costeras en relación con la influencia de las colonias de aves marinas del Parque Nacional Marítimo Terrestre de las Islas Atlánticas de Galicia, funded by Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales (Ref. 041/2010) of Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino. The work of AGP is supported by an FPU predoctoral contract from the Spanish government (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte). Grant Number: FPU16/03050.S

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