Contents: Commencement, \u2791 (Poem) - John A, Howell, \u2793; Some Practical Suggestions - Pres. C. A, Bowersox; Dangers That Threaten O. U - A. W. Jones, M. D., \u2772; Symposium-Does Otterbein Need a Gymnasium - B, V, Leas, \u2791, R H. Wagoner, \u2792, Miss Bessie Kumler, \u2792, A. C. Streich, \u2793, M. B. Fanning, \u2794; Editorial: Come to Commencement; Good Words; Notes; Alumni; Exchanges; Local: Commencement Week; A Friend of the College Gone; Young Women\u27s International Convention; Hurrah! A $10,000 Gymnasium in Sight; Field Day Exercises; Notes; Personal, etc.