Five Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary As a Process


Building vocabulary is an important component of any reading program; it is a crucial comprehension skill. In fact, Davis (1968), in an analysis of comprehension skills, found word knowledge to be the key factor in comprehension. However, vocabulary has often been relegated to a secondary position in the scheme of language development, and no real systematic program for vocabulary building in reading or language arts course really exists (0\u27 Rourke, 1974). Additionally, the approaches to vocabulary study have long emphasized product over process (Brooks, 1986). Students have been presented with long lists of often unrelated terms that they could study and memorize for a test only to purposefully forget them following the quiz. Yet, readers need to expand their vocabulary range, and speakers require an ever increasing number of specific terms to communicate fully and effectively at various levels. How then does the teacher incorporate vocabulary study into the classroom? A few process oriented strategies seem to be the answer for meaningful vocabulary development and retention. In this paper, five strategies for vocabulary as a process are provided

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