A Matter of Managing an Inner City Resource; Using Existing Buildings in Inner City Areas to Provide Low-Income Housing


In Canada, the late 1970's and 1980's are seeing an increasing proportion of private funds being invested in inner city commercial and residential property. The inner city's continuing role as a source of low-income housing is in doubt. This study considers how this private activity provides an interesting opportunity and challenge to planners to integrate public housing policy and programs with private goals and projects. To this end, the study reviews municipal planning policy and government housing programs as they relate to the provision of low-income housing in urban areas by utilizing existing buildings, of all kinds, in the inner city. Two sources of information are used in the study - the literature and primary data collected from professionals involved in housing production and planning. For the latter, questionnaires were prepared and administered to four municipal planners and three financiers. Information was also solicited from other government officials. The study concludes that low-income housing production can be increased through greater use of existing building stock in inner city areas. To this end, recommendations for both.municipal planning and government housing programs are made

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