
Validation and calibration of remote sensing data products on test site DEMMIN.


One of the main research objectives of the working group Thematic Processors and Validation (TPV) of the Remote Sensing Data Centre (DLR-DFD) is the automation of remote sensing data processing. Whereby, the focal point of research is the derivation of value-added products for agriculture and forestry objectives. Three examples are given to outline past and present research of working group. These are: (1) a standard processor for automated data usability assessment based on multispectral quicklook data; (2) a thematic processor for retrieval of actual evapotranspiration from multispectral image data; and (3) an ongoing research work for the conception of a thematic processor for derivation of soil parameters from hyperspectral image data. Since 1999 DLR Neustrelitz operates the test site DEMMIN (Durable Environmental Multidisciplinary Monitoring Information Network) to assure validation and calibration of data products and algorithms. DEMMIN is an intensively used agricultural ecosystem located in the northeast of Germany and is based on a cooperation between local farmers (IG Demmin) and DLR. It provides a manifold of instrumentation for the measurement of environmental parameters which are stored in the DEMMIN database

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