Rodent models: what is their importance for cancer study?


Abstract: Cancer is one of the most frequent diseases worldwide, accounting for approximately 10 million deaths in 2020. The most common cancers in 2020 were: breast, lung, colon and rectum, prostate, skin, and stomach. Cancer arises from the conversion of normal cells into initiated cells as a result of the interaction between intrinsic (genetic) and extrinsic factors, namely physical agents (ultraviolet radiation), chemical agents (asbestos, components of tobacco smoke, arsenic) and biological agents (Helicobater pylori, Schistosoma haematobium, hepatitis virus). Animal models are very useful to understand and follow several diseases, including cancer. In this way, in vivo studies are essential to improve and discover new strategies to prevent and treat cancer more effectively. This presentation intends to describe the rodent models available for cancer study, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages, as well as their potential in the evaluation of several drugs and natural compounds for cancer treatment

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