
Integrated receiver components for low-cost 26 GHz LMDS applications using an 0.8 um Sige HBT technology


The authors have demonstrated integrated re-ceiver components addressing 26 GHz Local Multipoint Distribution Services (LMDS) applications using a standard SiGe HBT MMIC process with an layouted emitter width of 0.8 m. Compact circuit layout and transistor structure opti-mization are applied to a mature Si/SiGe technology, resulting in low-cost integrated circuits enabling consumer-oriented systems at 26 GHz. The integrated receiver components are a downconverter and a static 2:1 divider. The downconverter IC consists of a preamplifier and a mixer with an IF buffer. The conversion gain is determined to be 24 dB for an intermediate frequency of 200 MHz, and the maximum frequency of operation for the divider is 28.2 GHz

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