
The comparative study of studen’s achievement beetwen using Powerpoint learning media and module learning media of informatian and communication technology on ten grades of MAN 2 Yogyakarta of academic year 2012/2013


grades whose study using PowerPoint learning media and the student who are learning using module learning media in Information Technology and Communication (ICT) lesson at MAN 2 Yogyakarta. This research is done at MAN 2 Yogyakarta for Information Technology and Communication (ICT) lessons with material of second semester. This research is Quasi Experiment with pretest - posttest control group design. The sample of this study is two classes who totaled of 73 students, consist of 37 experiment class and 36 control student class. The experimental class is treated using PowerPoint learning media while the control class is treated using module learning media. The instrument used is pretest and posttest. Data where analyzed using student contribution (t-test). First, they are tested for normality and homogenity. The result shows that there is student achievement difference between using PowerPoint learning media and modul learning media. This is indicated by the difference (t (7874)> t table (1,667)) and the average of experimental class (83.18)> the average value of the control class (69.51). This comparison shows that the average of posttest experimental class is higher than the average of control class. There are differences in academic achievement between students who learn using PowerPoint learning media with the student who are learning using module, the learning achievement using PowerPoint instructional media better than learning to use the module. So that, learning achievement using Powerpoint learning media is better than learning using module learning media. Keywords: Media PowerPoint, Module, ICT Semester 2, Learning Achievemen

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