
Swimming performance and dry-land upper limbs strength in age group swimmers


Introduction: High values of dry-land strength and power, particularly in the upper-body, have been identified as a determinant factor to success in competitive swimming. Ball throwing is a common test used to assess dry-land strength and power in age group swimmers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the correlation between ball throwing measures and swimming performance. Methods: Twenty-one male prepubescent swimmers (12.67 ± 0.73 years; 47.72 ± 9.62 Kg; 1.56 ± 0.78 m) were recruited for this research. Experiments were conducted during the competitive period of the spring training, thus ensuring that the subjects were in a prime training period cycle. After a standard warm-up of articular mobilization and rope skipping of approximately 10 minutes, Ball throwing (BT) distance (in m) was measured through a maximal throwing velocity test using a 1 and 3 kg medicine ball. Preceding the tests, each participant executed several random throws for warm-up, with both balls. Each participant executed three throws with 2 minutes rest between attempts. Three technical valid attempts were used to calculate the average for analysis. Swimming performance tests were executed after an 800 m moderate intensity warm-up in a 25 m indoor swimming pool. All subjects completed one maximal test of 50 m and 15 m (to exclude the influence of start) in front crawl in order to access their best time in each test (t50 and t15). Short distances were chosen due to the influence of force application over these distances. Results: Correlations obtained between ball throwing values and swimming performance were moderate for both 1 and 3 Kg balls throws (table 1). Mean values (± sd) obtained for ball throwing were: 4.19 ± 0.71 m (1 kg) and 2.84 ± 0.47 m (3 kg). Swimming performance mean values (± sd) were 10.63 ± 0.51 s for 15 m trial and 33.70 ± 2.46 s for 50 m trial. Conclusion: Results showed moderate associations between variables what may indicate that ball throwing can be a questionable methodology to associate with swimming performance, in age group swimmers. Lack of specificity of this dry-land test in relation to in-water tests can explain the results

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