


This descriptive research was an attempt to develop Spermatophyte students’ worksheet (LKS) based on scientific approach. Teachers’ assessment, students’ responses toward the worksheet, implementation of spermatphyta worksheet on learning activity, and students’ scientific skills that use the worksheet were analyzed to identify the effectivity of Spermatophyte worksheet. Participants of this research were eight Biology teachers of Senior High School from Bandung and Cimahi, and tenth grade students in one of senior high school in Bandung.The research instruments used are teachers’ evaluation sheet and students’ response questionnaire, observation sheet and assessment rubric of Spermatophyte worksheet. The characteristic of this developed worksheet was based on scientific approach focused on the guided inquiry by developing 5M skills. The findings reveal that the teachers evaluation towards the worksheet was excellent within the percentage 94,72% which includes the assessment of congruence and standardization (100%), the congruency of concept organization and Spermatophyte concept (97,22%), the sentence effectiveness (96,43%), and the worksheet design (85,21%). Students’ responses toward the worksheet were considered very good (85,18%). The realization of this worksheet based on the accomplishment of Scientific activities in the worksheet was very good (94,70%) and the realization of activity aspects in the worksheet seen from time allocation were considered very good (100%). The students scientific skills employed in the learning was considered very good (88,67%).Through this research, Spermatophyte’s worksheet that developed based on scientific approach were considered very good. Penelitian deskriptif ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan lembar kerja siswa (LKS) Spermatophyta berdasarkan pendekatan Saintifik. Untuk mengidentifikasi efektivitas LKS Spermatophyta dilakukan penilaian guru dan respon siswa terhadap LKS Spermatophyta, keterlaksanaan LKS Spermatophyta, serta keterampilan Saintifik siswa yang menggunakan LKS Spermatophyta dalam pembelajaran. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah delapan guru Biologi SMA/sederajat dari Bandung dan Cimahi serta siswa kelas X salah satu SMA di Bandung. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa lembar penilaian guru, angket respon siswa, lembar observasi serta rubrik penilaian hasil LKS Spermatophyta. Karakterisrik LKS yang dikembangkan adalah LKS Spermatophyta berdasarkan pendekatan Saintifik yang berkonsentrasi pada guided inquiri dengan mengembangkan keterampilan 5M. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penilaian guru terhadap LKS Spermatophyta yang dikembangkan sangat baik dengan persentase penilaian sebesar 94,72% terdiri dari penilaian terhadap kesesuaian dengan standar isi (100%), kesesuaian urutan konsep dengan konsep Spermatophyta (97,22%), keefektifan kalimat (96,43%), serta tata letak dan perwajahan LKS (85,21%). Respon siswa terhadap LKS Spermatophyta yang dikembangkan tergolong sangat baik (85,18%). Keterlaksanaan LKS Spermatophyta berdasarkan keterlaksanaan kegiatan Saintifik dalam LKS tergolong sangat baik (94,70%) serta keterlaksanaan aspek kegiatan dalam LKS Spermatophyta dilihat dari alokasi waktu tergolong sangat baik (100%). Keterampilan Saintifik siswa yang menggunakan LKS Spermatophyta dalam pembelajaran tergolong sangat baik (88,67%). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di atas, LKS Spermatophyta yang dikembangkan berdasarkan pendekatan Saintifik tergolong sangat baik

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