


This research study is aimed at exploring the status of physical condition of pencak silat fighters in facing international championship in Thailand. The significance of this research is as input and evaluation for PB IPSI (Indonesian Pencak Silat Association), especially for national Pelatnas (Centralization of National Training) coaches in facing the international championship. This is a descriptive research using percentages. The data collecting was completed through test and measurement techniques. Population of this research involved pencak silat fighters who participated in Pelatnas preparing for International championship 2006 in Padepokan Pencak Silat in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta. The sampling technique used in this research was population sample which involved all pencak silat fighters who participated in Pelatnas in Jakarta. The number of participants were 23 pencak silat fighters consisting 15 male pencak silat fighters and 8 female pencak silat fighters. The research instruments in this research were: (1) Push-up tests to measure the strength of arm muscle, (2) Sit-up tests to measure the strength of abdomen muscle, (3) Bleep tests to measure aerobic endurance, (4) 20-m sprint tests to measure speed, and (5) squat-jump tests to measure coordination. Data collecting was conducted on 17-18 October 2006 during the preparation of the international championship. The results of the research stated that: (1) generally, the status of physical condition of the national male pencak silat fighters in facing the international championship was in the medium category involving the components of endurance, strength, speed, and coordination, (2) the status of physical condition of the national female pencak silat fighters in facing the international championship was in the medium category involving the components of endurance, strength, and speed. In addition, the component of coordination of the national female pencak silat fighters was in the good category which was better than the males’. Keywords: Status, Physical Condition, Pencak silat fighters

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