
The new green age: carbon mitigation by Queensland tourism enterprises


Climate change and carbon mitigation are growing issues for the tourism industry. Green tourism enterprises are implementing eco-efficiency measures in energy, water and waste management to reduce operating costs and carbon emissions. This paper reports on carbon mitigation actions adopted by environmentally certified Queensland tourism operators (n=83). It first reviews carbon mitigation responses in Australian tourism, including research on carbon emissions by tourism sectors and carbon reduction programs supported by Tourism Queensland. It then describes the development of a carbon survey for Queensland tourism enterprises including accommodation, tour operators, attractions, and convention centres. The paper presents survey results profiling operator attitudes to climate change, green business training, emissions auditing and carbon mitigation actions, motives for emissions reduction, and carbon offsetting. It compares findings for key tourism sectors and discusses operator motives for adopting carbon mitigation actions or offsetting. Key challenges and opportunities for carbon reduction by tourism enterprises are noted

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