
Variations in liveweight between steers following fasting periods of six to eighteen hours and access to water


Liveweight changes were measured using 105 yearling Brahman crossbred steers (mean liveweight 336 kg) which were held in yards and fasted (no feed or water) for 6, 12 and 18 hours (6F,12F,18F respectively). Each fasting period was followed by a 24 hour recovery period on water and then the steers were returned to pasture for 14 days. After 6, 12 and 18 hours of fasting the steers had lost 12, 17 and 24 kg respectively, on their initial liveweight. All steers recovered liveweight rapidly during the first 6 hours on water but thereafter continued to lose weight. During the total recovery period, the 6F and 12F groups lost more weight than the 18F group. Ranges in mean liveweight between groups were 11, 19, 13, and 10kg after 0, 6, 12 and 18hours of access to water. At the completion of this period there was no significant difference in liveweight beween groups. This study indicates that cattle which have fasted for short periods, should have access to water for at least 12hours before weighing at saleyards. Such a procedure should reduce the variation in liveweight between groups of cattle with the same on-farm liveweights

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