
Indoor radio channel characterization and modeling for a 5.2-GHz bodyworn receiver


[Abstract]: Wireless local area network applications may include the use of bodyworn or handportable terminals. For the first time, this paper compares measurements and simulations of a narrowband 5.2-GHz radio channel incorporating a fixed transmitter and a mobile bodyworn receiver. Two indoor environments were considered, an 18-m long corridor and a 42-m2 office. The modeling technique was a site-specific ray-tracing simulator incorporating the radiation pattern of the bodyworn receiver. In the corridor, the measured body-shadowing effect was 5.4 dB, while it was 15.7 dB in the office. First- and second-order small-scale fading statistics for the measured and simulated results are presented and compared with theoretical Rayleigh and lognormal distributions. The root mean square error in the cumulative distributions for the simulated results was less than 0.74% for line-of-sight conditions and less than 1.4% for nonline-of-sight conditions

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