
Community based forest management systems in developing countries and eligibility for clean development mechanism


Concerns have been raised among the scientific communities about the increased atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon sequestration rates can be maintained or increased by afforestation, reforestation, avoided deforestation, forest preservation and particular tending and cultural operations on existing forests. Of these, afforestation and reforestation are the only eligible project activities under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Of the three market-based mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol (KP), CDM is the only one designed for developing countries where, coincidently, community based forest management systems (CBFMS) are becoming the main form of forest management. Under these systems, enhanced natural regeneration, forest preservation and wise utilization through different sets of cultural and tending operations are widely practiced in Africa, Asia and Latin America. These systems are often more compatible with the essence of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) than are alternative management systems. Using Nepal as a case study, this paper highlights the importance of community forests in developing countries and then explains why many of them may not be eligible for CDM project activities. After that, some reasons why enhanced natural regeneration and forest preservation activities should be considered under the CDM project activities will be discussed. If community forests contribute to achieving the main objectives of CDM program as well as providing biodiversity benefits, and if they are the only socially acceptable and economically viable option, then they should be eligible under the CDM project activities. In particular, the CDM forest definition (>10% crown cover) should not be a barrier to their eligibility

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