
Proceso de pintura en la industria de la automoción


There are number of features that all automobile manufacturers are requested by the users to provide. The most essential characters sought for by automobile purchasers can be listed as mechanical durability, chemical resistance, and pleasant in appearance after the finish painting process. However, the painting process decisions are not only influenced by buyer´s preferences but also design constraints of the body and local government regulations linked with environmental control. The concerned experts from paint process plants, auto-plant, paint and chemical plants as well as paint application equipment need to have an effective interaction to accomplish the highest possible efficiency of the paint shop. Besides highest efficiency, minimum unit production cost, conforming to emission control requirements and the best of product quality are other essential aims. To realize these goals the manufacturers nowadays has needed a high degree of automation. Owing to this technology, factories can provide consistent quality and also avoid the hazardous working environment created by the painting processes.El proceso de automoción en el proceso de pintura. Explicación de cada una de las etapas por las que una carrocería pasa para llegar hasta su estado final, los defectos que pueden surgir y cómo detectarlos.Departamento de Ingeniería Energética y FluidomecánicaMáster en Ingeniería de Automoció

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