Some aspects of the Italian corporative organisation


In other countries in which the tradition of personal liberty still survives, the study of the Italian corporative organisation has become of the greatest interest, and it has been asked how far society can be organised upon corporative principles and whether the adoption of these principles necessarily entails the acceptance of dictatorship and the abolition of the historic liberties of the subject. The present paper will make no attempt to answer this question, which, indeed, is rather one belonging to the science, and perhaps nowadays the practice, of politics. It is rather a description of the organisation of which the corporate state is composed and by which it is governed. Its scope being limited by considerations of time it may be found lacking on several points of interest and superficial upon others. It may be possible to refer to some of these in discussion, but the whole concept of the Corporate State is so revolutionary in itself and its implications that its study would occupy many a meeting. An attempt will be made to survey the organisation set up by the corporative legislation of the last eight years, and to answer some of the questions inevitably provoked by even so cursory a glance

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    Last time updated on 30/12/2017