
Preparing Students for Success in Blended Learning Environments: Future Oriented Motivation and Self-Regulation


Blended learning (semi-virtual) environments provide an alternative format to pure onsite or online learning environments combining the advantages of both formats for optimal teaching and learning. An innovative method and for fostering and encouraging student success in learning environments using online formats is to incorporate aspects of student future orientation into instruction. Using social cognitive theory as a framework, this paper presents a program of research examining whether perceptions of student motivation, self-regulation, goal orientation, and future time perspective (FTP) can be positively influenced through future oriented instruction in a blended learning environment at a German university. This research contributes to the body of literature on FTP with its focus on the operation of FTP as a topic of instruction and through the longitudinal examination (2 semesters) of student self perceptions. Multiple analysis of variance and regression analysis were conducted on the three groups of first-year university students receiving future oriented, non-future oriented, or no (control measure) instruction. The findings support previous research regarding the relationship between perceived FTP and learning process factors such as motivation and self-regulation. Furthermore, the findings indicate that future oriented instruction benefits students in terms of goal-orientation, motivation and self-regulation, increasing the chances for successful participation in blended learning environments

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