
Determination of serum visfatin level in patients with Behcet disease, comparing with normal population


Background: Behcet’s disease is an inflammatory, systemic and chronic disorder with unknown etiology affecting multiple systems of body (1). The cause is not clear but seems to be multifactorial, including immune system dysfunction (humoral and cellular immune defects), endothelial cell dysfunction and genetic predisposition (2). White adipose tissue produces variety of proteins in the name of adipocytokines, with important roles in body metabolism. One of these newly identified secreted adipocytokines is visfatin, which is secreted by the visceral fat and its plasma level increases during the obesity. It has insulinmimetic effects in metabolism of cultured cells and activates the insulin receptor (3). Visfatin stimulates inflammatory cells like monocytes and can induces increasing circulating level of IL-6 in mice. It have been considered as a new proinflammatory adipocytokine (4). Previous studies have evaluated visfatin level in immunologic disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and showed it was significantly higher in comparing to control subjects (4,5,6). There was no evaluation in patients with behcet disease yet. Objectives: We have evaluated visfatin level in patients with behcet disease finding inflammatory role of that in pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of behcet disease. Methods: We have evaluated 40 patients with Behcet’s disease fulfilled the International Study Group Criteria for the Diagnosis of Behc¸et’s Disease (ISG) and 40 healthy subjects from healthy candidates referring to behcet clinic of Shiraz medical university as a referral center for these patients in south Iran. Both groups have been matched for age, body mass index (BMI) and sex. Visfatin was checked in both groups using ELISA Kit. Results: There were no significant difference between cases and controls in mean concentration of visfatin level (P = 0.61). Difference in the visfatin level between patients with active and inactive manifestations of Behcet’s disease approximated to the significant levels (6.13 3.20 and 4.25 2.73, respectively; P = 0.07). Conclusion: In view of our study, we have concluded that visfatin levels may affect the clinical manifestations of BD maybe as a proinfalmmatory marker in pathogenesis and active manifestations of Behcet’s disease although more cases should be included in future works

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