
Bird, flowers and pollination ecology


The recent paper by Atluri et al.1 provides some interesting information on the pollination ecology of Helectresisora. Information on bird flowers, their visitors and their pollination ecology are few from the sub-continent and this paper is a welcome addition to our knowledge of such systems. However, there are a few major errors in the paper that need to be addressed. The most glaring of these is the identification of the bird pollinator. The authors refer toQuaker babbler (Alcippe poioicephala) as one of the pollinators, but according to Figure 1 d in the article, it appears that the bird is the white-headed babbler (Turdoises affinis). The two are very different birds. T. affinis is bigger with a broader bill that can closely fit an H.isora flower, while A. poioicephala is a small bird and its bill and forehead do not fit the flower as closely as T. affinis. Consequently, pollination efficiency may be different between the two species. Misidentification can have important implications when it comes to conservation and in no case should betaken lightly, especially when the pollinators can be identified by proper use of field guides

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