
Suffering Sources among the Newly-Graduated Nurses at the Beginning of Their Clinical Work: A Qualitative Study


Suffering is an inevitable reality at the beginning of work that may cause several damages to the amateur nurses and health care organizations. Although suffering has been investigated in some studies, its sources among the newly-graduated nurses have not been investigated so far. The goal of this study is to investigate suffering sources of the newly-graduated nurses at the beginning of work. The present research is a qualitative content analysis study. The participants included 17 amateur nurses of Tehran educational hospitals. The data was collected through a semi-systematic interview. Sampling was made by using a targeted method and was continued until data saturation. All interviews were recorded and were then written down and were analyzed by using the qualitative content analysis method. Findings of this study showed that suffering is a joint experience among the newly-graduated nurses at the first months of their beginning to work. The findings showed the suffering sources among the nurses. Four main themes emerged in this study, namely non-preparedness for working, workplace, patients, and colleagues as the suffering sources. Experiences of the participants showed that suffering of the newly-employed nurses has extensive sources that affect their personal and professional lives. Understanding suffering sources of the newly-employed nurses can be an important factor in helping this group of nurses. Sensitivity of nursing managers to the reduction of these suffering sources and supporting the newly-graduated nurses are very important. Rafii F, Sajadi hezaveh M, Seyedfatemi N, Esmaeili Vardanjani SA. Suffering Sources among the Newly-Graduated Nurses at the Beginning of Their Clinical Work: A Qualitative Study. Life Sci J 2012;9(4):5517-5524] (ISSN:1097-8135). 81

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