Obesity Due to Poor Snack Choices and Lack of Physical Activity


Obesity Due to Poor Snack Choices and Lack of Physical Activity A chronic issue in my immediate community, Murray State University, is obesity due to unhealthy diets and a generally lethargic lifestyle. The muffin picture represents the average healthiness of snacks available on campus. While students are working towards their education on campus it has become increasingly difficult to acquire snacks that are both convenient and health conscious. Places such as the T-Room cater towards less healthy foods by making them far more available and also making them much less expensive. For a student to get a quick lunch consisting of a grilled cheese, fries, and soft drink the price is 8.48whileifthatsamestudentwantedaready−madecobbsaladwithturkey,awater,asausageandcheesestickpack,andafruitdipcupthepricewouldcost8.48 while if that same student wanted a ready-made cobb salad with turkey, a water, a sausage and cheese stick pack, and a fruit dip cup the price would cost 11.36. Both of these meals are similar in their respective caloric densities but meal one has a far less healthy macro balance, being high in fats and carbs, and is also fried or cooked with a lot of butter. Furthermore, the amount of sugar in the soft drink has its own health implications as well. These factors lead to students putting on unhealthy weight and the unhealthy food also does not fuel the body well for physical activity. Leading on to my community asset I posted a picture of me in D.C. I work as a personal trainer at a local gym Downtown Dynabody and I have worked as a group fitness instructor at the MSU wellness center for a number of years. During my time a a fitness professional I have worked with many people to help change their views of what it takes to become fit, promote working towards a better version of themselves, and I have helped a few people reach fitness goals beyond what they believed possible. My job as personal trainer is to be team motivation as well as to listen to my clients, adapt their training to optimize its effectiveness, and to teach them how to so things properly. By doing my part working with the few clients I have, I am able to also influence those who come in contact with my clients. People see others in the community making healthy life changes to better their health, lose weight, and improve their body image and the idea that it is obtainable for them as well spreads like wild fire. Case based examples in the community as well as changing the community views of obesity are crucial in fighting this epidemic. To combat the obesity problem at MSU a two-part challenge is set before us. Both a physical aspect, stressing the importance of being more physically active, and the nutritional aspect, eating correctly and having healthy food available to busy students. Using community ambassadors, community based challenges, and using the assets at our disposal can help change the trend of the freshman 15 or worse the sophomore 30 . With less unhealthy weight gain and a more balanced diet health risks associated with obesity as well as health issues students may currently have as well as those that may present in the future due to obesity, poor nutrition, or lack of exercise. Our country as a whole has a large population of people suffering from or at risk for heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure; all of which can be reduced or completely resolved with a healthier diet, active lifestyle, and lower body fat. As with most things, education and understanding are the most important factors in making lifestyle changes towards a healthier life

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