Patient preference and compliance between Hawley retainers and vacuum-formed retainers following orthodontic treatment.


Introduction: The traditional Hawley retainer has been replaced in many orthodontic offices by vacuum-formed retainers (VFRs). There has yet to be a study that investigates preferences and reasons for noncompliance between Hawley and vacuum-formed retainers by allowing each to be worn within the same patient. Specific Aim: To determine differences in compliance and reasons for noncompliance between Hawley and VFRs. Hypothesis: There will be increased compliance with VFRs due to better esthetics, speech, and comfort. Methods: In consecutive months but in a different order, two treatment groups received a set of Hawleys and VFRs following comprehensive treatment. All patients were instructed to wear retainers full time. Patients filled out a standard questionnaire at recall appointments to gauge compliance and preferences between retainer types. Expected results: There will be an increase in preference for and compliance with VFRs within each group. The patients in both groups will report greater compliance the month they were given VFRs. Following 2 months, all patients will show a preference for VFRs. Reasons for choosing VFRs over Hawleys will include esthetics, fit, speech, and comfort. Conclusions: Vacuum-formed retainers when compared directly are preferred over Hawley retainers and lead to higher levels of compliance in the short-term orthodontic retention phase of treatment

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