Assurance and frustration : from Ireland and the Netherlands to Jamestown.


English experience gained from colonization attempts in the New World and in Ireland, as well as military expeditions to the European continent and the New World, helped make Jamestown more successful than any previous English colonial venture in the New World up to that time. Jamestown\u27s early leadership successfully applied the collective English experiences from the Netherlands and Ireland to help the Jamestown colony survive. English experiences in Ireland were instrumental in developing the concepts that led to successful English colonization of North America, but English experiences in the Netherlands also played an important role. In the critical first two-and-a-half years of the colony, a council led by a president ran the colony. From late 1609 until King James I made Jamestown a crown colony in 1624; a series of military governors ran the colony. This leadership and the English experience was the catalyst for Jamestown\u27s survival

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