Some phases of our modern industrial problem.


The original intention of this dissertation was to have been a brief treatment of some phases of our modern industrial problem. Later, however, it was decided to offer suggestions for solutions to these various problems. This I have attempted to do in the form of appendices. The greater emphasis will be given to the side of the laboring man in relation to his environment, his fellow-worker, and organized capital, rather than to organized industries as such. It is very evident from the great unrest now apparent in the laboring world, that something is radically wrong with the present system of things. The constant strife between the laborers themselves, strikes, etc., are indicative of a dissatisfaction which might at any time, lead to a very undesirable result, both for labor and capital. The laborer is defined for our use, as the indivudal who is employed to do a certain task or tasks in the operation of machinery, plants for production of various materials--manufacturing, mining, etc. With this understanding, as to the purpose of this thesis, it is hoped that the subject may be so presented as to be both interesting and valuable

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