Cloud-Based Per formance Testing Service


云计算作为一种新型的计算资源交付模型,为软件性能测试带来了新的机遇。设计了一种四层架构的性能测试服务平台,实现传统性能测试软件向云计算环境的迁移,同时设计一种准入控制和任务调度算法,实现负载发生资源的共享管理和动态分配,满足多租户性能测试需求。基于上述工作,完成已有性能测试工具 Bench4Q的迁移。 Cloud computing has emerged as a new paradigm for delivery of computing resources. It has brought great opportunities to performance testing. A four layer model for cloud-based performance testing is proposed. At the same time, an admission control and scheduling algorithm is also designed. All this can achieve the flexible management and dynamic dispatch of shared resources, which are pooled for load generation. The requirements of multi-tenancy can also be implemented. Based on the above mentioned proposition, an available tool, Bench4Q is migrated to the cloud

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