
随着船舶各个分系统之间数据交互要求日益增加、历史数据爆炸性增加,实现数据高效的分发以及海量数据存储日益重要。在分析数据分发服务 DDS(Data Distribution Service)规范的基础上,搭建船舶信息数据分发系统,同时提出基于 RDB 和 NoSQL(Not Only SQL)的联合存储方案。实现船舶信息系统的数据高效、实时发布,以及海量历史数据的有效存储、高效查询。通过搭建船舶仿真系统测试船舶信息系统的数据分发系统及其存储方案,实验结果表明将 DDS 技术和数据联合存储方案应用于船舶信息系统是可行的。 With the gradual increase of data exchange demands among various subsystems on the ship and the explosive increase of histori-cal data,it becomes gradually important to realize data efficient distribution and mass data storage.On the basis of analyzing DDS specifica-tions,the paper builds ship information data distribution system,at the meantime proposes an RDB-and NoSQL-based joint storage solution. It realizes ship information system's data's efficient and real-time distribution as well as mass historic data's effective storage and efficient quer-ying.By establishing ship simulation system it tests ship information system's data distribution system and its storage solution.Experiment re-sult show that it is feasible to apply DDS technology and data joint storage solution to ship information system.With the gradual increase of data exchange demands among various subsystems on the ship and the explosive increase of historical data, it becomes gradually important to realize data efficient distribution and mass data storage.On the basis of analyzing DDS specifications, the paper builds ship information data distribution system, at the meantime proposes an RDB-and NoSQL-based joint storage solution.It realizes ship information system's data's efficient and real-time distribution as well as mass historic data's effective storage and efficient querying.By establishing ship simulation system it tests ship information system's data distribution system and its storage solution.Experiment result show that it is feasible to apply DDS technology and data joint storage solution to ship information system

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