mtbuilder: a user interface toolkit for multi-touch tabletop


针对基于WIMP范式的图形用户界面工具不能解决多触点交互桌面的多指手势识别、界面组件朝向等问题,提出基于自然用户界面通用隐喻OCGM(objects,containers,gestures and manipulations)的多触点交互桌面界面工具箱——MTBuilder.首先用层次化多触点数据表示模型存储多触点数据,然后对多指手势识别器进行动态管理以加速识别处理,最后基于OCGM设计并实现界面组件库.通过多人信息浏览、城市规划等原型系统的开发和实验评估可以看出,MTBuilder能够为交互桌面界面构造与快速原型系统开发提供强有力的支持.国家自然科学基金(U0735004,60673188)|国家“九七三”重点基础研究发展计划项目(2009CB320804)|国家“八六三”高技术研究发展计划(2009AA01Z337,2009GJA00045)|浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室开放课题(A1009)To address the issue in multi-touch tabletop that the WIMP paradigm-based graphical user interfaces could not handle multi-finger gesture recognition and UI component reorientation, this paper proposes a new multi-touch tabletop UI toolkit, termed MTBuilder, based on the universal foundational metaphors OCGM(objects, containers, gestures, and manipulations). First MTBuilder employs a hierarchical data representation model to store the multi-finger information. Then it configures the gesture recognizers dynamically to improve the efficiency of recognition. Finally design the components of the user interface based on OCGM. Several typical prototypes are developed, such as multi-user InfoScan and city planning. The prototypes and the experimental results showed that MTBuilder can efficiently support construction and prototyping of a tabletop user interface

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