simulation of physically-based tree animation in realtime


提出一种在GPU上实现基于力学运动原理的层次结构树木运动的并行仿真技术。该技术通过分析物理运动原理与多层次的矩阵结构(HMSM)算法的并行性,来达到将树木动画在图形硬件CUDA平台上进行加速的目的。首先介绍层次结构树木在外力诸如风力等作用下的物理运动原理;然后,针对树木的物理运动以及层次结构叠加算法详细地进行并行性分析;之后着重阐述CUDA框架下树木运动的并行结构设计过程与并行算法的详细设计方法;最后在GPU上执行树木物理运动仿真。实验结果表明,该技术不但能够生成真实感较强的树木动画序列,还能够实时模拟基于物理的树木运动。同时,该技术给计算机动画的加速算法提供了很好的思想。国家自然科学基金项目(60833007,60773030,60973066)|国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目(2008AA01Z301)|澳门科研基金项目We propose an approach to automatically extracting foreground regions. This is a novel method for segmenting salient objects from still images by background elimination. To extract foreground regions, a new method of background elimination based on multiscale segmentation is proposed to detect candidate object regions. To this end, we use a trimap consisting of foreground, background, and undefined regions and a region adjacency graph. A graph-cut technique is finally used to extract exact foreground regions from the candidates. Experimental results have shown that the proposed method yields a better foreground extraction than Kim's method under various environments containing multiple objects and clutter backgrounds in natural images. © 2011 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

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