research on geo satellite mobile communications rlc layer retransmission mechanism


为解决卫星链路上的大延迟环境对GEO移动通信协议RLC层应用现有选择重传机制(SR-ARQ)造成吞吐量低下的问题,提出了适用于GEO卫星移动通信协议RLC层的HARQ重传机制(G-HARQ),并在QualNet平台上对GEO卫星移动通信协议RLC层G-HARQ和SR-ARQ吞吐量进行仿真实验。仿真结果表明,G-HARQ重传机制可以减少RLC确认模式下为恢复错误数据包而传送的ACK/NACK消息数量,从而降低在GEO卫星移动通信协议RLC层端到端的总延迟,提高RLC层吞吐量。国家预研基金项目(6150103)To solve the low throughput problem in radio link control (RLC) layer caused by large delay in GEO mobile satellite communication when using existing retransmission mechanism (SR-ARQ), a HARQ schema applied to GEO mobile satellite communication (G-HARQ) in RLC layer is proposed. Then, the G-HARQ and SR-ARQ mechanism of RLC layer is simulated in GEO mobile commutation platform based on QualNet. Simulation result shows that the G-HARQ retransmission mechanism can reduce the number of ACK/NACK control message generated when recover error RLC-Block in RLC acknowledge mode, which can ameliorate the pear-to-pear delay in RLC layer of GEO mobile communication protocol, and improve the system throughput

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