a quick network constructing method based on adaptive grouping


针对现有的网络环境构建方法部署效率低和灵活性差的缺点,提出一种基于分组自适应策略的网络环境快速构建方法.根据软件部署时间的分布特点采取适当的分组方法,减少主机共有软件的重复部署时间,提高软件部署效率.在此基础上,实现了一套以分组自适应策略为基础的网络环境快速构建原型系统.对提出的相关策略和算法进行了验证.Direct deployment and computer cloning are the two existing network constructing methods,which have low efficiency and flexibility.We propose a quick network constructing method using adaptive grouping policy based on the distribution characteristics of deployment time.The method reduces repeated deployment time and improves efficiency.An adaptive grouping-based quick network constructing prototype system is implemented and the algorithm is verified

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