
A hydrogeological assessment of Wybunbury Moss


This is a technical report of a hydrogeological assessment by the Environment Agency, an assessment to inform the Stage 3 review of Consents under the Habitats Directive for Wybunbury Moss, a National Nature Reserve and Special Area of Conservation in Cheshire. In the Stage 2 Review of Consents, one groundwater licence could not be clearly assessed as having no significant impact and so was taken forward to Stage 3. Further work has been carried out to refine the understanding of groundwater flow and the extent of the actual groundwater catchment of Wybunbury Moss, including three drilled boreholes, the monitoring of groundwater levels in the boreholes by data-loggers for more than 18 months and the sampling and analysis of the groundwater from the boreholes. Results of this further work are shown in Appendixes. From this work, a geological cross-section and Conceptual Model has been produced, and a map showing the revised understanding of the groundwater catchment of Wybunbury Moss. It also includes in Appendix I, the Stage 2 Review of Consents previously made

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