
The Franks Flying Suit in Canadian Aviation Medicine History, 1939–1945


It is not widely appreciated that Canadians were active during the war in the field of aviation medicine. Aviation medicine research in Canada during the Second World War involved a significant commitment of personnel and resources. However, there has been little historical investigation of this and that which has occurred is misleading. In 1947 C.B. Stewart argued that Canadian research was boosted by an early start and achieved unsurpassed results; the most prominent of which was the work of Wilbur Franks. In the years since 1947, Stewart\u27s conclusions have never been challenged. In fact, historians have ultimately judged the entire Canadian research effort equal to Great Britain’s and even equal to the United States’. Unfortunately, this well-established consensus is not completely accurate. The problem is that Canadian historians have consistently described Canadian work without reference or comparison to foreign research. Perhaps the most interesting and illustrative example is that of the Franks Flying Suit

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