
The National Marine Fisheries Service Habitat Conservation Efforts in Louisiana, 1980 Through 1990


Data quantifying various aspects of the Corps of Engineers wetland regulatory program in Louisiana from 1980 through 1990 are presented. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) habitat conservation efforts for this time period are described and averages involved delineated. From 1980 through 1990, NMFS reviewed 14,259 public notices to dredge, fill, or impound wetlands in Louisiana and provided recommendations to the Corps on 962 projects which proposed to impact over 600,000 acres of tidally influenced wetlands. NMFS recommended that impacts to about 279,000 acres be avoided and that more than 150,000 acres of compensatory mitigation be provided. During this period, marsh management projects proposed impounding over 197,000 acres of wetlands. On a permit by permit basis, 43% of NMFS recommendations were accepted, 34% were partially accepted, and 23% were rejected

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