
The hermeneutics of Lonergan and Gadamer: A comparison (Bernard Lonergan, Hans-Georg Gadamer)


This thesis treats the hermeneutical theories of the Canadian Jesuit philosopher Bernard Lonergan and the German Protestant thinker Hans-George Gadamer. It begins by determining the extent of the possible influence of the latter’s work upon the former’s theory of interpretation as outlined in his Methods in Theology. Beginning with an analysis of Lonergan’s cognitive theory and his developing theory of interpretation (Chapter One), it continues with a discussion of the position put forward by Gadamer in his Truth and Method (Chapter Two). For both of these men, hermeneutics goes far beyond the interpretation of specific texts. There are four areas in which their work can be compared. Both are concerned with the priority of the question, the notion of application, the problem of objectivity, and the role of language (Chapter Three). In the final analysis, however, one cannot speak of an influence of Gadamer on Lonergan, although there are some recognizable parallels between the work of the two

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