
The Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Youth Program (LGBYP): Quality of Life for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth


Lesbian, gay, bisexual youth face formidable risks caused by societal stigmatization of homosexuality. Responding to these needs requires approaches beyond traditional and individualizing counselling supports. The Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Youth Program (LGBYP) of Central Toronto Youth Services can serve as a unique model for those wishing to develop more appropriate community-based services for these youth. Its programs enhance quality of life for lesbian, gay and bisexual youth through empowerment-focussed counselling, action research, advocacy and community development, and community education. This article outlines LGBYP’s programs, the principles which guide them, and the unique role they play in addressing hte broad needs of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth

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