Prevalence of chironomids in the water, supplied to the hostel of Eastern University


Chironomids are important aquatic macro invertebrates in the world and causing nuisance and serious health impacts to human. The effective removal of Chironomids from water is very important, however it is a very difficult process. Therefore to deal with this problem the present study focuses on the study of the nuisance of Chironomids, their abundance and seasonal variation. Nuisance of Chironomids was studied through informal interviews with students in the hostel and a continuous Chironomid larval nuisance in the hostel water supply was identified between 6.00 am and 7.30 am. The results also indicated the absence of the larvae in the drinking water supply. Skin irritation, reddening of the skin, and red patches in the skin were identified as major health problems caused by Chironomid larvae. The seasonal variation and abundance of Chironomids were studied by weekly counts of the immature Chironomids in the tap water. High abundance of Chironomids was observed in May to August, a low abundance in January to April and very low or no abundance in September to December. It was identified that seasonal variation of Chironomids is related to climatic factors

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