An uncertain crossroads. Independentism, annexationism and abolition in Santo Domingo, 1809-1821.


Resumen La reintegración de Santo Domingo a la Monarquía española tuvo serias dificultades que amenazaron el asentamiento del sistema colonial español. La compleja situación política de la península, y la extensión del movimiento insurgente en los territorios continentales, supusieron obstáculos que imposibilitaron la remisión de los recursos que Santo Domingo demandaba. En mitad del marasmo económico, el auge de las ideas independentistas cobró cada vez mayor relevancia, dando lugar a toda una serie de conspiraciones inspiradas en dos modelos, el caraqueño y el haitiano, que pretendían el establecimiento de un nuevo modelo político y que observaba de manera disímil el mantenimiento de la esclavitud. Abstract The reestablishment of Spanish sovereignty in Santo Domingo had several difficulties. The critical situation in Spain and the raise of the patriotic movement along Mexico, South America and the Caribbean, were insurmountable obstacles to the Spanish Monarchy, who couldn´t send the resources that Santo Domingo needed. Furthermore, new independence ideas, which had spread all over the colony, led to several conspiracies against the Spanish Government. These conspiracies were inspired in two different models, Venezuela and Haiti, which had different points of view about slavery and abolition.Abstract The reestablishment of Spanish sovereignty in Santo Domingo had several difficulties. The critical situation in Spain and the raise of the patriotic movement along Mexico, South America and the Caribbean, were insurmountable obstacles to the Spanish Monarchy, who couldn´t send the resources that Santo Domingo needed. Furthermore, new independence ideas, which had spread all over the colony, led to several conspiracies against the Spanish Government. These conspiracies were inspired in two different models, Venezuela and Haiti, which had different points of view about slavery and abolition.

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