
Potential for sustainable floodplain fisheries development: a case study of Tatabu floodplain


This study presents evidence from a case study of an ecological appraisal of Tatabu flood plain aimed at formulation management approaches for the enhancement of the fishing communities social economic and cultural realities. Tabtabu flood plain is located north of Jebba and at high water the ecosystems cover about 700 hectares. Fishing constitutes the principal economic activity of natural fish food and flora (especially phytoplankton and zooplankton) which support and favour the growth of over 26 fish species that belong to 15 families. Among the commercially important species in terms of dominance on percentage weight basis are Mochokidae, Cichlidae, Claridae and Characidae with an overall average standing crop of 88.24kg/ha based on gill net experiment. The study based on the intrinsic ecological attributes and local people willingness for sustained contribution of fisheries to food supply indicates that with adequate management Tatabu flood plain ecosystems have tremendous fishery potentials that would enhance the economic well being of the communities. Several management options that are applicable to similar plain are discusse

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