
Commercial mariculture of Oreochromis niloticus using net cages


The culture of tilapia has a long history in Africa. Fossil remains of members of the genus have been found which are about 18 million years old (Fryer and Iles, 1972). Oreochromis niloticus was the subject of detailed observations in Egypt of 5,000 years ago. A bas relief of 2,500B.C. depicts tilapia being reared in ponds in Egypt. However, despite this long history the prolific nature of this fish results in very high populations in pond culture systems. Consequently small size fish are harvested. Several methods have thus been tried to control the excessive reproduction of tilapia in captivity with only partial success. This paper reports how large size tilapia especially O. niloticus averaging at least 150g per piece can be commercially produced using floating net cages in the marine environmen

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