
The chaetognatha of the Eastropic Expedition, with notes as to their possible value as indicators of hydrographic conditions


ENGLISH: The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility that certain species of Chaetognatha found in Eastern Tropical Pacific waters can serve as biological indicators of oceanographic features. "Indicator" organisms have been found useful in identifying water types, in tracing the pattern of current systems, and in tracing the origin of moving water masses. To be of use in this type of study, the organisms must be sufficiently abundant to be readily sampled, and easily identified to species; they must also, at least partially, fulfill the additional requisites listed and discussed by Sverdrup, Johnson, and Fleming (1942, pp. 866-867). Among several groups of organisms fulfilling these requirements are the Chaetognatha. Specimens of this group of animals occurred in large numbers in the plankton samples used for this study. The works of Thomson (1947), Fraser (1942), Ritter-Zahony (1911), and Sund (1959) were used for identification. SPANISH: El objetivo de este estudio ha sido el de investigar la posibilidad de utilizar ciertas especies de quetognatos encontrados en el Pacífico Oriental Tropical como indicadoras biológicas de características oceanográficas. Organismos "indicadores" fueron encontrados útiles para la identificación de tipos de agua, el trazado del régimen de los sistemas de corrientes y la determinación del origen de masas de agua en movimiento. Para servir a este tipo de estudios, los organismos deben ser lo suficientemente abundantes como para ser fácilmente muestreados e identificados hasta la especie; también deben satisfacer, por lo menos parcialmente, los requerimientos indicados y discutidos par Sverdrup, Johnson y Fleming (1942, pags. 866-867)

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