
The Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, open pound roe-on-kelp experimental fishery in San Francisco Bay, 1988 to 1989


The experimental open pound herring roe-on-kelp (ROK) fishery was studied in San Francisco Bay from the second week of December 1988 through the third week of February 1989. Three spawning runs were fished successfully by four operations consisting of six permittees. A total of 47.1 tons of herring ROK was packed this season. Giant kelp, Macrocystis sp., was harvested from the Santa Barbara Channel Islands and trucked to San Francisco for hanging on the pounds. Sources of high-quality giant kelp in California were difficult to locate this season because of unfavorable oceanographic conditions during the winter months. ROK was sampled at each shoreside processing facility. There were no significant differences in ROK blade measurements or roe densities among the permittees. ROK densities ranged from 0.250 to 0.699 g/cm2. Plastic totes containing processed ROK averaged 1756 lbs total gross weight. Totes contained an average of 42.3% ROK by weight. Siltation of ROK harvested in south San Francisco Bay continued to be a problem. High winds damaged rafts in December 1988. Gear conflicts were reported between ROK and herring roe permittees. (25pp.

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