
Diablo Canyon power plant site ecological study annual report; July 1, 1973 - June 30, 1974


We completed surveys of 11 permanent subtidal stations, 17 random subtidal stations, 4 permanent intertidal stations, and 29 random intertidal stations during the period. In addition, we conducted studies on the sea otter, Enhydra lutris, herd located between Diablo Cove and Point Buchon, continued the annual count of the mature bed of the bull kelp, Nereocystis luetkeana, within Diablo Cove, and interviewed commercial abalone and sea urchin divers for catch-per-unit-of-effort data. During the year, sea otters moved south into the cove east of Lion Rock and then into Diablo Cove. (107pp.) The commercial abalone fishery showed signs of decline, while the commercial sea urchin fishery continued to expand. Several diving surveys were conducted inside Intake Cove to check on dredging progress; the cove appears to have become a haven for juvenile rockfish (Sebastes). The red abalone temperature tolerance studies were completed at the Department's marine culture laboratory at Granite Canyon

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